Then I heard a voice from heaven say, "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them."Revelations 14:13This memorial website was created to remember our dearest
Elizabeth Mbiwan who was born in
Cameroon on
November 26, 1929 and passed away on
August 28, 2012. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.
28th August, 2012
- Mr. Nchaffu Mbiwan of Bonduma Buea,
- Mrs. Ebob Mbiwan TANYI of Bonanjo, Douala.
- Mrs. Namondo Mbiwan NDANDO of Houston Texas, USA
- Mrs. Egbe Mbiwan MONJIMBO of Charlotte, North Carolina USA
Regret to announce the passing away to glory of their Sister-in-law & Mother
Mrs. Elizabeth Efeti MBIWAN nee MBONGO,
On Tuesday 28th August 2012 in Buea.
All relatives, in-laws, friends and the general public should take note.

Mrs Elizabeth Efeti MBIWAN née MBONGO was born to Pa Thomas Isoke MBONGO, catechist, and Ma Sophie Namondo MATUTE, housewife, on the 26th of November, 1929 in Buea.
- She attended primary school at the Basel Mission Girl's School in Victoria, Cameroon.
- In 1957 she met and married the late Mr Ebaichuo Agbotoko MBIWAN, Chartered Electrical Engineer and pioneer General Manager of West Cameroon’s POWERCAM.
- Over the next seven years, they had four children; three girls and one boy. During this time she left her job to be at her husband’s side while he was called to work and travel around the world, and upon return to Cameroon, to stay at home and raise her kids and half her husband’s family as well as hers.
- She was an indefatigable, founding member of the CWF, a Sunday school teacher, a writer of children’s plays, a publisher of numerous articles and a choir mistress. She visited the sick, cared for her congregations’ pastors, and spoke out boldly on anything she felt strongly about.
- In 1972, with her children all grown, she resumed teaching first at the Ecole Publique Grand Messa in Yaoundé, and then the Government English Primary School where she later became Head Mistress for several years.
- In 1981 she lost her only son in a car accident; a loss from which we believe she never truly recovered.
- She moved back to Limbe (previously Victoria) later that year, and rounded off her career with several years of teaching at the Government High School Limbe.
- She moved to live in Buea in 2002, and barely three years ago, by the grace of God, she was reconciled to her husband. Both lived together in the Family home in Bomaka until his passing away on Monday, 8th August, 2011.
She spent the last few years of her life weighed down by age as she battled with arthritis and later with Alzheimer’s. She went to her bed on Christmas day 2011, and never got out of it on her own again. We prefer instead to remember the gracious, vibrant, beautiful woman that she was; her discipline, stoicism, elegance and courage. We remember her many achievements and accompanying humility, her great kindness and militant Christianity.
Her son and husband, having preceded her in death, (You may visit her son - ACHA MBIWAN'S Memorial Website at:
She now leaves behind,
Three daughters;
- Mrs. Ebob Mbiwan TANYI of Bonanjo, Douala.
- Mrs. Namondo Mbiwan NDANDO of Sugar Land/Houston Texas, USA
- Mrs. Egbe Mbiwan MONJIMBO of Charlotte, North Carolina USA
Three sons-in-law;
- Chief Robinson TANYI
- Mr. Victor Elokan NDANDO-NGOO
- Mr. Emmanuel Luma MONJIMBO
And Seven Grandchildren



She also leaves behind three sisters;
- Mrs. Dora Evenye EWUSI
- Mrs. Susan Efosi MOKEBA
- Ms. Esther Enanga HARRY,

And several nephews and nieces.
Sleep, Mummy! We weep awhile, but joy will surely come in the morning!