-She was my monya (in-law in Bakweri) but I called her Aunty Lizzy like most others did. She called me Uncle Mafany.
-I met Mrs. Elizabeth EFET’A MBONGO MBIWAN, wife of the General Manager of Powercam for the first time in front of a shop on Sappa Road Victoria (now Limbe) in 1969. I was introduced to her by my older brother, LUMA. I remember that her handshake was warm and her smile friendly. We were full of admiration as she drove off in her Renault 4. Little did she know that….
-I entered the Mbongo family some forty two years ago when I married their daughter and sister, Mojoko. I was extremely happy to see that Mojoko my queen had received proper home training, indispensable to running her home and keeping her husband happy. Aunty Lizzy molded my jewel from her young age through university. I cannot thank her enough for the work she did.
-A strong, devoted and committed Christian of the Presbyterian Church, she led many to Christ including children and family members. I remember in our case that she challenged us when she noticed that our church attendance in Yaounde was poor. You know how a young couple with several children can have a hard time getting themselves and the kids ready in time for church! The usual excuses. So after church one day, she visited and asked us pointedly where we ranked God in our line of priorities. After that visit, we were more regular in church; I ended up becoming Chairperson of the Building Committee and eventually an Elder of the Church!
-Aunty Lizzy was one of my strongest fans. She propped me up with prayers and was ready to take on my detractors at any time. She generally always sent me biblical references scripted in her beautiful handwriting for meditation, confession and appropriation. We always bowed our heads together in prayer when we visited and were about to leave.
-My family and I benefitted from her generosity. She attended all the sad events in my family and made sure she gave me her financial contribution, no matter how small it was.
-We miss her dearly but she has had her deliverance and has gone to rest in the Lord. We thank Almighty God for her.